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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

COSMETIC SURGERY VS MAKE-UP by Tiyona, RealTruthHurts 10/19/2011  after reviewing the responses from the question at  about, what do you think about Cosmetic Surgery? This includes breast implants, nose jobs, tummy tucks... “I feel like everyone has their very own opinion on things. Everyone has the right to say yes or no to whatever it is. I just think that if you are going to go to the max and have cosmetic surgery or enhancements you should think about it deeply.
I don’t mean take a look at yourself in the mirror and start to poke and prod at yourself, I mean to take some time and give it some deep mental thought and make sure you are doing it for the right reason. And the reasons don’t have to be a need, you can do it because you want it, however don’t do it out emotional distress. You have to think and be logical when it comes to making these types of changes and you have to be willing to do research.
Having surgery is not something anyone should jump into for any reason. There are always going to be different doctors that do things in different ways. It is up to you to find the right one from you and for your needs or that can make sure you get what you desire to have. Putting yourself at risk for a “beauty makeover” may not be the best thing if you have other illness. You should take care of the important factors first and make sure you are in good physical and mental health.
There is also the possibility of having scaring and being left with a look that is in the opposite direction of what you were going for. Sometimes you get more than what you want and that can be to your benefit as well, however you have to have goals and know what you want in the first place and don’t go in blinded by the excitement of having bigger breast, or bigger butt or having a tummy tuck.
You don’t have to listen to what anyone else says about you and what you TRULY want for yourself, but taking some time to speak with a counselor or someone who doesn’t know you and it’s going to be bias is best. This way you can talk out loud to someone and not have to worry about the judgment and maybe they may have some insight on what helps you make a final decision.
If possible find someone who has had the procedure you are looking to have and find out from them what their experience is. It can’t hurt to ask but it might if you don’t. So pull out some paper and right your pros and cons of making a surgical change and then look at it and LOGICALLY decide if the happiness will be temporary or will it bring you unwavering happiness.
Now there are a lot of people who dis agree with having surgery and they do other things on a daily basis that have me wondering what is the difference. What is the difference between a woman who wears eye concealer daily from a woman who has had eye lifting surgery , or the difference between a woman who wears a push up bra that gives them cleavage help and a woman who as a nice breast job don’t. I don’t see much of a difference other than they woman who has the surgery spends less time getting ready and fixing and pulling at her clothes. You have to see that make up is making up a new you, but daily, the people with surgery just save up for it and get it done and don’t have to worry about it again.
You have to do what makes you completely happy.
It’s your body, it’s your rules, so do what you want, just make a wise decision. GREAT SUCCESS TO YOU ALL!!! Thanks Tiyona, RealTruthHurts

1 comment:

  1. Tiyona this as a great article! I completely agree with you in that having any procedure including a tummy tuck is something that should be thought about in depth and not treated as a mandatory surgical necessity, like a route canal. I recently made the decision to have the procedure done and personally I don't regret it because I did my research and allowed myself time to decide if that is really what I wanted. We need smarter people like you in this world to let people know the truth as some women think surgery & recovery is a "piece of cake" and take this important life changing event way too lightly. Thanks for the article, hopefully more people will read this and THINK before acting on impulse!
